CatRock Eases Transition to New York for Georgia Teen
Date: TBD - 102020
As a high school sophomore, Jin R was a newcomer to the Bronx from Georgia who loved the outdoors and hiking with her family. But Jin had no idea how she was going to access nature now that she was living in New York. Then she heard about CatRock one day at school.
“I wanted to join CatRock because I had just transferred from Georgia where programs like this weren’t offered. I saw that CatRock was really unique and that I would regret it if I didn’t take this opportunity,” recalls Jin.
Joining CatRock transformed Jin’s life in New York, exposing her to new experiences and enabling her to develop new skills. Jin learned to snowboard on the Chill Program, sponsored by Burton, that teaches positive life skills and self-esteem through board sports. Every week for six weeks, Jin and fellow students took a bus to Mountain Creek, New Jersey for snowboarding lessons. It was a long day and Jin didn’t return home until 9 pm. Beyond learning a new sport and the empowering Chill curriculum, Jin acquired invaluable time management skills as she was responsible for completing her homework on those long Tuesdays.
“I saw that CatRock was really unique and that I would regret it if I didn’t take this opportunity…”
Jin also fell in love with skiing on the annual CatRock trip to Vermont’s Jay Peak Resort. But Jay Peak was more than just a wonderful time on the slopes. As an introverted person, Jin learned how much fun she could have in a group. Jin remembers the warm community feeling that developed while staying and bonding with her friends in the cabin, telling stories, cooking together, and sharing meals. The CatRock leaders even put on an appreciation awards ceremony at the end and talked about how much the students meant to CatRock. “It felt like a family,” reminisces Jin.
CatRock’s Wilderness First Aid program, which teaches outdoor survival skills and how to manage in any emergency, has influenced Jin’s professional plans. The class helped her learn more about health care and she plans on doing premed in college.
Now a high school senior, CatRock has enabled Jin to broaden her horizons and make enormous personal strides. “I always liked being in the outdoors, but because of CatRock, I’m more open minded about trying new things. Before CatRock, I never went skiing or snowboarding and was kind of intimidated. But I learned that if I have the right support system and community, it’s a lot easier and I’m more empowered to do these things.”
Jin wants others to know that CatRock’s extraordinary experiences are due to the wonderful leadership team: “The CatRock staff and volunteers are extremely welcoming and encourage you to try new things. They really care about the students and want us to have a good time. They prioritize our safety and make sure we have good experiences.”