CatRock is a Mini-Family, a Home Away from Home
Date: TBD - 72620
One year ago, Tayyib R. was a high school senior embarking on his first CatRock adventure. Today, he looks forward to leading CatRock trips and trainings as an alum.
From the moment he joined CatRock, Tayyib knew he was onto something special. He remembers an inspiring lakeside conversation he had with a CatRock leader who told him the nonprofit’s goal of getting kids outdoors. “CatRock opened my mind to the wilderness and being active in nature,” he says.
CatRock is a New York City nonprofit that provides underserved high school youth with opportunities for leadership development, community service, and environmental learning through the transformative power of the outdoors. The students benefit from CatRock’s distinctive warm and welcoming community and build skills that will last them a lifetime.
Soon enough, Tayyib was immersed in outdoor adventures among friends in which he felt challenged and motivated. He recalls a weekend cycling and camping trip in rural Connecticut. The uphill terrain was demanding, but Tayyib pushed himself and kept going. He loved how the CatRock leaders and volunteers created real life scenarios to test the students on the wilderness first aid skills they had learned. Finally, Tayyib remembers the camaraderie of sharing the weekend with new friends he met from high schools across the Bronx.
“CatRock has made me more confident and independent. Now I want others to be able to depend on me,” explains Tayyib.
Throughout the year, Tayyib continued to try new sports and enjoy new experiences with CatRock. Before long, Tayyib realized how much he was learning and changing. He cites leadership as a new skill and the importance of listening to others. “CatRock has made me more confident and independent. Now I want others to be able to depend on me,” explains Tayyib.
Tayyib’s dedication to community runs deep. “I am committed to being a better person, helping out my community, and making it a better place for younger kids so that one day they can contribute to the community.” He mentions the importance of taking part in CatRock’s gardening and clean up efforts in the local city parks.
CatRock has been life changing for Tayyib because of the kindness and dedication of volunteers, alum, and leaders. “CatRock is a mini-family, a home away from home,” reports Tayyib. “It’s the perfect place for kids to go and learn life lessons. CatRock helps you become more active, more connected, and more involved with the outside world.”
As fall approaches, Tayyib looks forward to starting as a CatRock alum. “I want to be a leader that youth can look up to and confide in.”